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COVID-19 Resources

Due to the continuous developments regarding the virus, TAG is offering COVID-19 Retainer Packages to businesses concerned with the impact of this outbreak.

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October 12, 2020


​In Today’s Recommendations for Industry, we discuss the complexity of determining indoor “safe spaces” as businesses seek to begin holding in-person meetings.  Read more here.

Recommendations for Industy
Recommendations for Industry

What Constitutes a COVID-19 Indoor “Safe Space”?


Q. We’d like to start having meetings in our building, but we want to continue to protect our employees from COVID-19. Is there a simple way to calculate how many people we can have in a room?


A. Unfortunately, there is no simple formula for this. Although it may seem that one could assign an equation of x number of people per cubic foot, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. Every space is different, which creates a complexity making a simple calculation impossible.


Some of the factors that need to be considered include the size of the room, placement and type of filtration in the room or space, airflow, ability to bring in outside air, use of UV,  or other air purification technologies, overall ventilation, etc. (For more information on building readiness (and its complexity) from ASHRAE, see its COVID-19 pages including Review Spaces Inside the Building and HVAC Systems.) Because of this, TAG also stresses the importance of maintaining other worker protections including masks, six-foot distancing, and regular surface cleaning.


Questions on indoor safe spaces also have been accelerated with CDC’s recent publication of a Scientific Brief noting that “The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying the infectious virus.” While CDC states that COVID-19 is generally spread through close contact rather than airborne transmission, the agency adds that circumstances under which airborne transmission of appears to have occurred include:

  • Enclosed spaces within which an infectious person either exposed susceptible people at the same time or to which susceptible people were exposed shortly after the infectious person had left the space.

  • Prolonged exposure to respiratory particles, often generated with expiratory exertion (e.g., shouting, singing, exercising) that increased the concentration of suspended respiratory droplets in the air space.

  • Inadequate ventilation or air handling that allowed a build-up of suspended small respiratory droplets and particles.


If you need assistance analyzing your building readiness and factors to be considered, contact TAG today!​

Outbreak Updates
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Outbreak Updates

As of October 12, 2020 (12:18 ET), there are over >3,606,333  cases (>1,078,097 deaths) worldwide.


Due to the increasing number of cases in the United States, TAG will move from reporting counts per country to focus on the United States, please see here for the data. For further information regarding worldwide numbers, please refer to John Hopkin University’s aggregate map.

Keep up to date with COVID-19:


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